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Courses in Urdu and Arabic

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Bangalore: NCPUL is inviting applications for enrolment in one-year Diploma in Urdu Language and one-year Certificate Course in functional Arabic courses for the year 2014-15. The classes in Bangalore will be held in Madani Public School, behind AKS Convention Hall on the junction of St. John’s Church Road and Haines Road. The two courses enable the learners to pick up sufficient Urdu or Arabic for common conversation with a little grammar. There is no age bar for enrolment. National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India.
Last date for receiving filled-in application forms is February 28, 2014 which can be had from Md. Zameer Alam, Coordinator, Ph: 93417-01352.