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Empower India Foundation Hosts Motivational Workshop

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Bengaluru: A one day Motivational Workshop for college teachers entitled, “Teachers You Alone Can Change the World” was organized by Empower India Foundation on 22nd July 2018 at the Conference Hall of the Abbas Khan College for Women. Prof M. Aslam, Former Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University and Advisory Board Member ““ Empower India Foundation and President was present at this Workshop.
The forenoon session was presided over by Prof Nishath Khalida Parveen, Vice Chairperson, Empower India Foundation and Former Principal, Abbas Khan College for Women. The introduction to Empower India Foundation and the Project INDIA 2047 was presented by Mohammad Raphy. Dr Syed Habeeb Pasha, International Leadership Coach, Founder ““ Breakthrough 360, a platform for research in the area of Learning and Development introduced the participants to “Extraordinary Thinking and Smart Training.” Prof. M. Aslam, in his keynote address stated that it is important to inculcate among students moral values, sense of responsibility, resilience, harmony and integrity, The afternoon session was presided by Khaleel Ahmed H.M Shariff, a Corporate Trainer and Empower India Foundation Executive Member. Dr. A. W Sadathullah Khan, an internationally known Motivational Speaker on “Discover Yourself” and Editor ““ Islamic Voice (English Monthly) presented a bird’s eye view of “Discover Yourself” Workshop which aims at imparting inner peace. He stated that the Workshop frees the individuals from anger, rancor, jealousy, frustration, depression, boosts confidence, mends intra-family and inter-personal relationships, sets the life of the individuals on the axis of God consciousness and builds bridges between the servants and the Creator.
In his valedictory address, Abdul Wahid Sait, an Enterpreneur and Trustee, Empower India Foundation said that India is developing and the wealth of this nation is growing. However, growth and development at the cost of social justice is a real challenge. Other participants included Prof Zubeda Begum, Principal, Abbas Khan College for Women, Attar Syed Murtuza Hussain, Vice President,Central Muslim Association, Dr. Zaheeruddin Ahmed, General Secretary, Central Muslim Association, Bangalore, leaders of Students Association ““ Abbas Khan College and volunteers. This Workshop was designed as a get-together of selected College Teachers and Lecturers from Bangalore and Karnataka.