Empowering Muslim Representation: 50 Ulama Enrolled as Advocates in Kerala High Court

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Empowering Muslim Representation: 50 Ulama Enrolled as Advocates in Kerala High Court

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CALICUT: In the current landscape of the nation, there is a pressing need for increased Muslim representation across all sectors to counter the influence of sectarian powers. Addressing this necessity, a significant milestone was achieved as 212 doctors and 50 lawyers graduated together in a Unanai graduation ceremony held in Calicut on the 20th February 2024.

This remarkable feat was accomplished by the Unani Medical College and Law College, the first institution of its kind in Kerala’s Knowledge City, under the leadership of Sheikh Abu Bakr Ahmed. Recognizing the importance of effective representation of Muslims in the judiciary, Sheikh Abu Bakr Ahmed has taken the initiative to ensure reasoned advocacy on matters concerning Sharia law.

The graduation ceremony marked a turning point in modern education, as Alam, Fazil, and Mufti graduates were transformed into 50 Ulama experts in the field of law, ready to serve in the Kerala High Court. Their enrollment as advocates in the High Court signifies a significant step towards enhancing Muslim participation in legal proceedings and addressing issues pertinent to Islam and Sharia.

The ceremony, held at the Center Knowledge City, was inaugurated by Kerala Education Minister Dr. R. Bindu, who commended the institutions responsible for producing such accomplished individuals. This initiative not only celebrates academic success but also paves the way for greater diversity and representation in the legal arena, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.