An ecumenical body representing all Christian denominations in Karnataka on January 9 urged the federal government to grant citizenship to illegal migrants not on the basis of their religions but on the merit of each individual case. “We wish to reiterate the statement made by the Archbishop of Bombay, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, who is the head of the Catholic Church in India, on December 27 regarding CAA that there is a danger of polarization of people along religious lines, which is very harmful for the country,” says a memorandum from the All Karnataka United Christian Forum for Human Rights. Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore, president of the forum, told reporters that copies of the memorandum have been presented to the president and prime minister through the Karnataka governor.
At the same time, the forum appealed to all to maintain peace and harmony and not to take recourse to violent methods to fight their cause. “Religion should never be the criterion for citizenship of a country. Nor is violence a solution when there is a difference of opinion,” the forum asserts. It urged the federal government to dialogue with those opposing the Act, and comes to “an agreement about the way forward with justice, equity and fairness. There is no harm in backtracking or changing course if this is necessary for the good of the country and our people.”
The forum assured the national leaders that Christians will continue to work for the betterment of all citizens and help build the nation based on equality, justice and fairness. It also expressed its solidarity with those discriminated on the basis of religion and assured them Christians’ support and fellowship.
(Extracted from mattersindia.com)