Hamida Bano Chopra and Anil Chopra  Published Azad’s Tafseer of Surah Al-Fatihah

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Hamida Bano Chopra and Anil Chopra Published Azad’s Tafseer of Surah Al-Fatihah

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New Delhi: Ms. Hamida Bano Chopra and Mr. Anil Chopra resided in California (USA), yet it was an ordinary place. How many other Indians like them live in this American state? The only thing that separates them is that they are both devoted Urdu and Maulana Abu Kalam Azad fans. They initially established a Maulana Azad Chair in IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat, to teach Urdu there.

They paid for the printing of the first book of Maulana Abu Kalam Azad’s Tafsir-e-Tarjuman-e-Quran, which solely comprises Tafsir of Surah Al-Fatiha. The publication of the Surah Al-Fatihah commentary could not have come at a better moment. The release of this essay is critical in light of the development of misconceptions about Islam and Muslims in India and other areas of the world. Maulana Azad has beautifully explained the fundamental principles of Wahdat-e-Allah, Wahdat-e-Adam, and Wahdat-e-Din, which are extremely important in Islamic literature.

Ms. Hamida Bano Chopra and Mr. Anil Chopra plan to publish it in the form of an English translation by the late Abdul Latif of Hyderabad. They have already obtained the requisite copyright, and they’re also considering publishing it in Hindi following the English version.

It would be pointless not to include Ms. Hamida Bano Chopra’s Urdu courses at her home, where visitors from the new Urdu settlements come to learn, participate, and benefit from Urdu’s intellectual and literary journey.