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Muslim Friends Society Honours Merit Students

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Nagpur: Muslim Friends Society, a prominent city non-profitorganizationconducted its 27th-year annual programme of felicitation of meritorious students of the community. It was held at the auditorium of Anjuman College of Engg and Technology. Noorul Hasan Dy Commr of Police Zone-4, Nagpur, Firdos Mirza, Senior Advocate High Court, and Dr. Ms. Humera Qureshi, Asstt Prof of English from Bhopal were the key dignitaries.

The speaker semphasized that these events serve as springboards for motivating students in their quest of achieving their higher goals. They said that modern education has opened a wide vista of careers and students should not restrict themselves to a few conventional professions. Nurul Hasan said that he came from an economically weak background and had his primary education in a village. But this did not deter him to pursue higher studies and qualify for the Civil Services.

A unique feature of the felicitation was that girls outshone boys in most spheres. In the SSC category, 89 students (including 57girls secured more than 92% marks, and in the HSSC category, 26 students including 16 girls) secured more than 90% of the marks 26students (including 20 girls)passed the entrance test for medical education 5girls passed the UGC NET.