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Delhi Minister’s Driver Drawing Wakf Board Salary

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New Delhi: Revelations by the Qaumi Salamati’s media team about embezzlement in Delhi Waqf Board (WB) and the use of WB’s driver by Delhi Government Minister Yusuf Haroon has stunned everyone. This criminal act has been widely condemned and Qaumi Salamati has received several calls in this regard. Sources say that Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit was shocked and enraged at the revelations of the misdeeds of her minister. Despite being unwell, she instructed the minister to send back the driver to WB. Sources in WB say that driver Rafiq has returned to WB to discharge his responsibilities. He has served Haroon Yusuf illegally for nine years but was paid by the WB. Obviously the guilt is not of the poor driver. This is about the audacity of Delhi Government Minister Yusuf Haroon who was using the money belonging to orphans and widows for his personal needs. Qaumi Salamati’s report has provoked wide condemnation of the minister and in view of the coming elections, Chief Minister has taken serious notice of the misconduct of her minister. Talking to Qaumi Salamati, driver Rafiq said, ‘My conscience was not satisfied with working for Haroon Yusuf and getting paid by the WB. But without the permission of the Minister what could I do? I feel relieved at restarting my service to the WB.’ From this statement readers can judge from the veracity of our report.
It has been nine years since Haroon Yusuf relieved his responsibilities as a WB Chairman. Why then has he been using WB driver? Will he return to WB the money paid to the driver during this period and demonstrate some milli ghairat [communal honour]? According to an estimate total money paid to the driver during this period comes to 16 lakh. Will the Minister return this sizeable amount belonging to widows and orphans that he has spent for his personal use? During the coming elections will he not be asked by the voters about this unfair act. Does he not have any fear of God and being answerable for this? In the past there have been some WB chairmen who have avoided even taking a cup of tea there. But how has Haroon Yusuf been able to muster the courage to usurp what belonged to widows and orphans? Qaumi Salamati’s readers would want to know the answers to these questions. Qaumi Salamati’s mission is to work against injustices and corruption and show a mirror to the thekedars of millat and we will therefore continue to do so. But the question is why did the present WB Chairman and CEO not fulfil his responsibilities and take any steps against this embezzlement?