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Muzaffanagar Riot Victims: Jamiatul Ulema Builds a Colony

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Khampur: The 72-house colony for the riot victims of Muzaffarnagar was commissioned here on November 17 when Jamiatul Ulema e Hind President Maulana Arshad Madani handed over the keys of the houses to 71 heads of the victim families at Khampur. The construction had begun only 40 days ago. Each house built on 720 square feet of land consists of a large hall, a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. The victim families hail from villages of Bhagana, Badal, Bhagwanpur, Narpada, Rathora, and Hinduwada.
According to Jamiatul Ulema sources, each house was constructed at a cost of Rs. 3 lakh, of which nearly 60 per cent of the expenses were incurred on the land itself. The families were those who had fled their riot-torn or communally sensitive villages. The terrorized victims were afraid of returning to their villages due to unstable law and order situation. A total of 860 persons from these 71 families moved into the new houses.
The project was taken up on a war footing and nearly 200 labourers worked on the construction site for 40 days. Maulana Asjad Madani stated that 46 more houses would come up soon on the adjacent plot of land.
Arshad Madani urged the victims to give up the feeling of vengeance and take a vow to promote brotherhood and solidarity with other communities.