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RCICA Invites Nomination of Crafts persons for award

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Istanbul: The Research Centre on Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) has invited nominations arts and crafts specialists in various Islamic arts for the International Congress on Heritage, cultural and Touristic Dimensions of the Handicrafts Sector and an exhibition to be held on July 10-13, 2014. The Congress will include the exhibition of albums, catalogues, books, documentary, films, posters, photographs and brochures produced in the fields of arts and handicrafts.
The congress will discuss the following aspects of Arts and Crafts Sector: The social, economic and tourism aspects; The marketing of the arts and handicrafts products; The heritage aspect and efforts to preserve the authenticity and traditions; Cultural dialogue and mutual influences; Education; Training; The role of the government and efforts of the private sector; The media and the duty of creating awareness about the importance of the sector and its constructive contribution to society. For more details Contact, Dr. Naazeih Maarouf, Head, Crafts Division, IRCICA, Istanbul: [email protected]