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Two Challenges to Secularism

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Noted intellectual Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer while speaking on ‘Challenges to Secularism in India’ identified two major threat to secularism, i- the anti-conversion bill which has been enacted in some states. This goes against the spirit of the constitution which
has given freedom to preach, profess and practise any religon of the indidvidual choice. (2) Communal identity politics are perpetuated to win votes. The lecture was organized by the University of Pune at P. C. Ray Hall on October 18. Mr. Engineer averred that two big challenges to secularism today in India are – (1) the anti-conversion bill which has been The solution is to emphasize civic identity and on values and charactaer in public life. The lecture was well-received by the lyouth of the university. The lecture was organized by the post graduate students of social sciences by Prof. Rohini Sahani. Students from Poona College, a minority institution also participated in