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Yashasvini Health Insurance Scheme

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By A Staff Writer
: Several Cooperative societies have started mobilizing membership for the Yashasvini Health Insurance Scheme of the Government of Karnataka. The Government has extended the date for membership till July 15, 2014.
Any resident domiciled in Karnataka who is a member of a cooperative society can become a member under the scheme and will be eligible for treatment at any registered hospital or nursing home to the extent of Rs. two lakh per annum.
The scheme was initiated in 2004 for farmers but over the years has been expanded to cover fishermen, weaers, beedi workers and now common citizens.
According to Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, former Assistant Registrar of the Cooperative Society (Tumkur), any person, be he an infant or aged upto 75 can seek the membership by paying Rs. 710 a year. However, they should be sponsored by a member of a cooperative society. If five members of a family jointly seek the membership under the Yashasvini scheme, a rebate of 15% will be available. According to him, 845 types of surgeries can be funded by the Government under the scheme. The Yashavini card holders can even be treated as outpatients.
Sajida Begum of Aasra Home for the Women, who organized a meeting for disseminating awareness among the community on June 8, said Self Help Groups (SHGs) of women who are account holders at the District Central Cooperative (DCC) Banks, can also get the membership.
People desirous of subscribing to Yashasvini Health Insurance Scheme can contact Sajida Begum of Al-Quds Credit Cooperative Society on Ph: 98453-83905, or Benazeer Baig in South Bangalore at 99450-24634