
Tablighi Jamaat Active Member and AMU Teacher Dr. Nadir Ali Khan Passes Away

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Aligarh: Dr. Nadir Ali Khan, a nonagenarian Urdu scholar, a famous Islamic figure, and retired professor of the Department of Urdu at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), died on April 23 after a protracted illness. He has been a member of Tablighi Jamaat for a long time.

Prof Tariq Mansoor, AMU Vice Chancellor, expressed his sympathies with Dr. Nadir’s death, saying, “Dr. Nadir was a passionate teacher—who liked sharing knowledge.” The University has suffered a significant loss due to his death.”

He added: “Dr. Nadir carried a peerless scholarship and research acumen with him. He performed a long list of literary and cultural roles exquisitely alongside his job.”

“Dr. Nadir mentored students and research scholars with a steadfast dedication— inspiring them to achieve their potential. He also guided younger colleagues at key career moments for educational and professional strides”, said Prof Mohd Ali Jauhar (Chairman, Department of Urdu).

Dr. Nadir was a well-known author who published many literary and scholarly works. He is most known for his 1991 work, ‘A History of Urdu Journalism (1822-1857)’, which studies newspapers from nine different towns. His writings on the history of journalism have garnered positive reviews because they are academically rigorous.

He produced a critical critique of Masood Hussain Khan’s famous book on Urdu linguistics, the birth, and development of the Urdu language, in which he conveyed his analysis, evaluation, and admiration of Masood’s work clearly and concisely.

His work is included in university curricula, and his novels have been translated into English.

Dr. Nadir was a religious man who made trips to various centers of Islamic importance in India. He met eminent religious scholars such as Sheikh Ul-Hadith Muhammad Zakariya al-Kandahlawi (1898-1982) and the reformer Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi.