
Quaide Milleth Award for Dr Hamid Ansari and Aruna Roy

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Chennai: The Quaide Milleth Educational and Social Trust instituted the Quaide Milleth Award for probity in politicalpublic Life in the year 2015 to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Trust.
The Quaide Milleth Award for Probity in Political/Public Life”  for this year (2018) was presented to Dr. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, former Vice President of India and. Aruna Roy, social activist and Founder of Mazdoor Kisan Shakthi Sangathan. The award presentation ceremony was held at Quaide Milleth College, Chennai. The two recipients of the award were felicitated by Gopalakrishna Gandhi, Former Governor of West Bengal, Dr. Mufti Khazi Salhudeen Mohammed Ayub, President of QUEST, Rev. Bishop Dr. Devesagayam, Church of South India (Rtd) and T.K. Rangarajan, Rajya Sabha Member.