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Parental Income or Father’s Income?

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I am a 4th year B. Tech student and I am receiving merit-cum-means scholarship for minorities. But the problem is that my family income is double the required limit for eligibility (Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum) for it. When I told my parents that it is wrong for me to avail of this scholarship, they told that if you go islamically then only father’s income should be counted. My father income is only Rs. 50,000 per year and mother’s Rs. 5.50 lakh. I am not satisfied with their explanation and have decided to return the money to PMRF if I get a job. 
One more problem is that I am a female so will it be acceptable in the sight of Allah that I work in Public Sector Unit  companies where majority of those who work there are men. Please guide me, I am confused.
S S from Patna, on E-mail.

Islamic Voice replies:

Parental Income will Apply

Dear Sadiya
It is good that you have felt the prick of conscience while availing of a scholarship fund for which you do not fulfill the condition of income limit. Under the scheme one is eligible to receive the same if the ‘parental income’ is not exceeding Rs. 2.50 lakh annually. You being a citizen of India are bound by the rules, laws and regulations framed by the Governments here. Since your parental income goes beyond this, it will not be right for you to benefit from this scheme. As a rule you should not have availed of this scheme in the first instance and someone else may have benefitted instead of you. Since you have already arrived in the final year of the B. Tech course, and realized your mistake, you should arrange to return these funds to the Government as soon as possible.
Someone has advised you that “Islamically you are recommended to count only father’s income”. But you should question yourself “Is it the father alone who is running the entire home?” in your case or it is parental income? The case clearly being the latter, you are supposed to follow the rules and regulation that apply on you in the Indian context. One should not seek escape routes in Islam for the sake of benefit.
As for the second point, the very purpose of your taking up engineering course is to work and earn. You cannot expect a ‘female only’ work opportunity in India. Hence you should take up a job where you can work and earn, be it PSU or a private company. One has to only observe the norms of modesty at the worksite. Remember Hazrat Umar, had appointed two women as Inspectors of Market in Makkah and Madinah. Obviously, they would have been interacting with a lot of businessmen. But if you can take up a teaching career in an engineering college, it will suit you better. But earn you must, because you have to return the amounts you have availed of a Government welfare scheme.