
Ramadan Hijri Dates

Ramadan: A Spiritual Retreat in Times of Hardship
Sustaining Ramadan Habits: Strategies for Long-Term Success
The Exemplary Practices of Our Predecessors During Ramadan

Sheik Yusuf al-Qardawi has issued a Fatwa in 1419 or 14 20 AH, that as per Sharia, a Solar Eclipse marks the end of a lunar/Hijri month.

ISNA/FCNA, ECFR, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and most countries will start Ramadan 1443, rightly on the correct Day, ie. Saturday (2nd April), in conjunction with Sha’baan, occurs at early hours – at 06:24 UTC on Friday, 1st April 2022.

As you all are aware, a Partial Solar Eclipse will occur on Saturday, 29th Day of Ramadan 1443 (30th April 2022)at 20:28 UTC.

Since the conjunction/Eclipse is at late hours, at 20:28 UTC, almost all countries mentioned above may ignore the Solar Eclipse – a Sign of Allah and may extend their past records Ramdan to 30 days and celebrate Eid only on Monday (2nd May 2022).

Sheik Yusuf al-Qardawi has issued a Fatwa in 1419 or 14 20 AH, that as per Sharia, a Solar Eclipse marks the end of a lunar/Hijri month.

We must also note that Imam Shafi (Ra) has mentioned in his book “Ummh” that Solar Eclipse and Eid will co-occur. He (Ra) referred to such a place where the change of Qibla direction occurs and where some people pray Zuhr of Thursday and others to pray Jummah of Friday, simultaneously.

In all likelihood, such a place can only be the present-day International Dateline region.

Various verses of the Qur’an and authentic hadiths regarding Witr prayer, starting and ending of Prophet’s (PBUH) I’tikaaf, rituals of Hajj, etc., categorically establish the truth that in Islam, the Yaum / Day (24 hours period) starts at Fajr and not at Magrib.

We can also infer a rule from his observations that the new month starts from the very next Day of conjunction / Solar Eclipse.

We all must follow this rule to have a pre-determined error-free, globally applicable single Hijri Calendar, which can be calibrated for thousands of years, forward, and the past.

One may also refer to the explanation for verse 71:16 given in Tafsir Ibn Katheer. It says that the complete veiling /shadowing of the Moon marks the passing of the month. It is a scientific fact that such a complete veiling of the Moon occurs only on the conjunction Day / Solar Eclipse Day, the Last Day of the month.

In the past, this Sharia Rule was ignored, despite our repeated caution mails sent to all countries mentioned above, which resulted in the starting of Ramdhan and Hajj and Eid falling on the wrong days.

The noble Qur’an at various places admonishes/warns people who ignore the signs of Allah.

As a reminder, firstly for myself and secondly to others, some such verses are 7:133 & 31:32.

But, no one took heed to such Ouranic warnings.

Almighty Allah also describes all those who accept the Signs of Allah as people of understanding, as People of knowledge. verses: 20:128 // 15:75 // 2:164 // 2:118 // 42:33 //30.21 -24.
May Almighty Allah count us as among those who accept His Signs. Aameen.

Kindly accept and declare the Day of Solar Eclipse (Saturday, 30th April 2022) as the last Day of Ramadan 1443.

We, HCI, once again enlighten all that one of the reasons for errors in their calendars is their misconception that the Day / Yaum in Islam starts at Magrib.

Various verses of the Qur’an and authentic hadiths regarding Witr prayer, starting of and ending of Prophet’s (PBUH) I’tikaaf, rituals of Hajj, etc., categorically establish the truth that in Islam, the Yaum / Day (24 hours period) starts at Fajr and not at Magrib.

If Muslims accept this truth, Muslims will not have to fast on Eid Day and not take food during the daylight hours of Ramadan in the future. In sha Allah

Many countries follow the criterion of Sun setting before Moon, locally, on the Day of conjunction, in order to start the new month on the following Day. This also doesn’t seem right.

Since conjunction is a Universal phenomenon, Local Sun-Moon timings have no bearing on starting a new month, and hence, such local timings should not be considered.

As per Astronomical Data, the Moon sets only after the sun at many places in the world, on the Day of Conjunction. So, starting the new month on the following Day, throughout the world, is totally in accordance with Shariah.

We, HCI, request all to ponder the subject more thoroughly and kindly enlighten Muslims through various media, websites, and correspondence about the error in their starting of Yaum, which results in their erroneous calendars.

If the Day of Solar Eclipse is not considered as the last Day of Ramadan 1443, millions of Muslims will fast on the Feast Day (Eid) and commit sin,
We request all Muslim scholars, rulers, leaders to do the needful so that no one fasts on Eid day i.e. Sunday, 1st May 2022.