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The World of Experience

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If you have the desire and spirit to learn, you can draw valuable lessons from your own experiences as well as those of others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

A person whom I know has no formal degree in business, but yet he is a very successful businessman. I once said to him, “You don’t have an MBA degree, but still your business is flourishing!” 
The man replied, “The secret behind this is experience. I don’t have a college degree. But I have the degree of experience! Through personal experience, I have learnt all that people seek to learn through acquiring a formal degree.” 
This point is true for all aspects of life actually. Our world is a vast school. In this school, there are all sorts of experiences that are available. If you have the learning spirit, you can learn through the experiences you meet with in the world, all that which people seek to learn by taking admission in universities and acquiring big degrees. 
Be it family affairs or business affairs, social life or community life, everywhere and everyday one goes through different sorts of experiences. If you go through life with an open mind and are open to learning lessons from experiences, you can succeed in every sphere. If you have the desire and spirit to learn, you can draw valuable lessons from your own experiences as well as those of others. 
Experience, then, is  practical  learning. Every experience is a page of life that is written in the language of practice. Every experience is a classroom in practical learning. In this sense, the entire universe is a huge library of experiences and observations. 
Keep your mind open and develop the learning spirit. Then you will see that the whole world will become for you a vast school!