
Essay Competition on Dr. Ambedkar’s Vision

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Aligarh: The Dr. Ambedkar Foundation under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment of the Union Government has invited entries for National Essay Competition. The topic for the secondary school and PUC/Hr. Secondary school students is “Dr. Ambedkar’s Vision on Social Transformation”. It should be in 2,000 words. The topic for the recognized colleges and universities students is “Dr. Ambedkar on Annihilation of Caste”. It should be in minimum of 3,500 words. For both categorized there are separate prizes for Hindi and English languages. The secondary and PUC/Hr. Secondary students will receive Rs. 25,000 in first prize, Rs. 15,000 in second prize and Rs. 10,000 towards third prize. The college and university students will receive Rs. one lakh for the first prize, Rs. 50,000 towards second prize and Rs. 25,000 towards the third prize. Thus there will be a total of 12 prizes.
The essay scheme is being implemented by the Aligarh Muslim University. Those interested can see the terms and conditions onwww.ambedkarfoundation.nic.in  The entry form can be downloaded from this website. It should be accompanied with a bona fide certificate from the educational institution.
Last date for submission of entries is June 30, 2014. Filled-in entry form and the essay should be sent to The Chair Professor, Dr. Ambedkar Chair of Legal Studies and Research, Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, Uttar Pradesh.