
International Congress on Ottoman Studies

Korean Language Programme in Jamia
Science and Technology in Islam

Sakarya (Turkey): The University of Sakarya will organise a four-day International Congress on Ottoman Studies at the University campus in Sakarya, situated on Black Sea coast on Ankara-Istanbul Highway October 14-17, 2015.
The aim of this congress is to bring together Ottoman scholars with the aim of presenting the current state of Ottoman scholarship and giving a future direction to such studies.
Congress coordinator Arif Bilgin in a press release has invited research papers on 1-Religion and Society, 2-Politics and Law, 3-Economy, 4-Army and law, 5-International Relations and Diplomacy, 6-Culture and Arts, 7-Science, Technology and Intellectual Life, 8-Education, 9-Perception of Health etc. (More information can be had at website: http://www.osmanliarastirmalari.org/sayfa/topics). Please click on English translation within the Turkic website.
Abstracts for the paper should be submitted within 500 words by January 30, 2015. The final paper should be submitted by September 15, 2015. The Congress programme will be announced by October 1, 2015.