
Silencing the Ego

Women in Islam: Rights and Realities – A Bird’s Eye View
Yenepoya University, Mangaluru – Post Graduate Diploma Course in Applied Islamics
Jamia MoU with Nepal Univ.

“There is only one way to God, and that is to renounce one’s ego. The ultimate purpose of any religion is to help her adherents to leave the ego [“¦]”
” [“¦] the greatest human being is not the one who has done wonderful things in the world, but the one who has conquered, or rather silenced, his or her ego, and who has surrendered his or her human will to God.”
(Source: John Martin Sahajananda, You are the Light. ‘Brother Martin’, as he is generally called, is a monk at Shantivanam, an ashram located in Tamil Nadu, a major centre for inter-religious dialogue.)