
Side Effects of Smart Phoning

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You constantly look at it. When you aren’t around it, you feel anxious, and when you have it, it’s all you can think about. Our obsession with mobile gadgets has become epic. Here is the latest update on the latest side effects of over use of smart phones.

Text Claw and Cell Phone Elbow
“Text Claw” is a non-medical term used to describe all of the finger cramping and sore muscles that come from continuous scrolling, texting, and gaming on smartphones. An even more common side effect: Using your phone too much can cause inflammation in your tendons and enhance existing conditions, like tendinitis and carpal tunnel. Similarly, “Cell Phone Elbow” describes tingling or numbness in ring and pinky fingers after bending your elbow for long periods of time.

iPosture and Text Neck
Slouching over your phone for hours at a time is ruining your neck and hurting your back muscles. “iPosture” or “Text Neck” are just two of a few phrases doctors throw around to describe the excessive stress on neck muscles. According to a study of young adults in the U.K., 84% of those tracked experienced back pain during the last year, mainly due to being hunched over smartphones, tablets, and computers.