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Hundreds of Turkish Women Cycle To Support Green Transportation

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woman cycle

Izmir (Turkey): Hundreds of women have taken to the streets on bicycles in multiple events in western and southern Turkey to raise awareness of sustainable transportation methods, as Sept. 20 marked “The World Cities without Cars Day.” Around 500 women cycled the streets of the Aegean province of Ä°zmir after they gathered at Ä°zmir’s Konak Square at 5 p.m. on Sept. 20 as part of an event to spread awareness of the positives of bicycle use and highlight the vitality of airy cities without exhaust fumes. Filiz Morovaineler, a woman taking part in the event with her bicycle, said she was truly passionate about cycling.
“We, as women, want to make our voices heard. We want all cities to have necessary infrastructure for cycling. We yearn for sustainable transportation,” Morovaineler said.
[extracted from: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/hundreds-of-women-cycle-to-support-green-transportation.aspx?pageID=238andnID=88793andNewsCatID=340]