Led By: Empowering Indian  Muslim Women

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Led By: Empowering Indian Muslim Women

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Dr. Ruha Shadab is the founder of LedBy Foundation, an organization that focuses on empowering Indian Muslim women by providing leadership experiences. Dr.Shadab earned a medical degree, worked as a physician for a few years, and later went to Harvard (USA), with a full-tuition scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in public policy. There, she understood the need to do something for Indian Muslim women given the challenges that they faced. And that’s how Led By came into being.
LedBy works with potential college-going Muslim women in India. It provides a leadership program for young Indian Muslim women that focuses on experiential learning, collaborative networking, and financial support. LedBy’s website explains, “There are 2 million Muslim women in India with graduate degrees, yet very few Muslim women leaders”, adding, “Led By Foundation transforms Indian Muslim Women’s education into empowerment by providing them with real-life career skills, a supportive ecosystem, and access to the right opportunities and networks.”

(For more details, please see www.ledby.org)