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Nasreen Al-Issa – ‘Know Your Rights’ App for Saudi Women

Hanan Al- Hroub
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Nasreen Al-Issa, a corporate lawyer in Saudi Arabia, launched “Know Your Rights” recently, after realising many women did not know many of their basic rights. At first, the lawyer thought of publishing a book, but then she decided to go electronic. “I realised a lot of people are on their phones. It is an app era,” Al-Issa said. Most Saudi women do not know what to do when they are in trouble, she added. “They do not know how to file for a divorce, or what happens to the custody of their children in case they separate from their spouses. What happens when a thief steals their jewellery? Or if she falls in a mall and breaks her leg?” the lawyer said. So, Al-Issa focused the app to teach women three main principles. “It informs the women about their rights, teaches them how to be independent and how to file a lawsuit without having to hire a lawyer,” she said. The app now has more than 50,000 subscribers.