Renowned  Social Activist Uzma Naheed

HomeWoman's Voice

Renowned Social Activist Uzma Naheed

Men Deny Women Equality, Not the Qur’an
Qatar’s First Female Minister Passes Away
Muslim Women Respond to Attack by Presenting Roses

Born in the family of the founders of Darul Uloom Deoband, Masters in Islamic studies and married to a family of scholars too, she herself is no less than a scholar who understands issues pertaining to women.
Besides the following posts she holds, at present she’s working on a project that has engaged many young minds to empower women with skills and opportunities to showcase their talent.
Founder President IIWA, Women Empowerment
Director, UN for unity in diversity,
Global Secretary, World Coalition Al Quds, Turkey
Vice President, All India Muslim Majlis e Mushawrat (an adhoc committee of Scholars and NGOs)
Member, All India Muslim Personal Law Board
She is also the recipient of various awards, namely GES and Inquilab newspaper and has the credit of Organising and participating in various national and international conferences.
Currently playing the role of the *Secretary* , World coalition of Al- Quds, Indian subcontinent; she has been successfully juggling between varied roles of a wife, mother, social activist, founder of various vocational centres and mentor since 1977, the year she began her journey of serving the community, her main focus being women empowerment.
Truly an adorable personality with deep knowledge of women issues, she still strives each day with the same zeal and enthusiasm.
(Currently residing in Mumbai, she may be contacted on 9987026436)