Muslim World League, Tony Blair  Institute for Global Change sign deal  to Empower 100,000 Young People

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Muslim World League, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change sign deal to Empower 100,000 Young People

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London: The Muslim World League and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change have launched a new partnership to bring together their common vision to serve the future generation of youth.
There are about 1.8 billion young people in the world, and many of them face a myriad of challenges, such as poverty, violence, exclusion, and negative perceptions. They are not getting the information they need or learning the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. They also feel that they do not have a secure platform that gives them the confidence to share their opinions and make choices that affect their future and the way they live.

Over the next three years, the MWL and the TBI will work together to deliver a global education program to equip more than 100,000 young people aged 13 to 17 in more than 18 countries worldwide with critical thinking and dialogue skills.

The program will work through networks of schools and education partners worldwide to train more than 2,400 teachers in active listening and global communication to transfer these skills to their students.