Category: EID

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Do We Owe It?

Zakat is not only an important pillar of Islam, but also an expression of gratitude and love  for Allah. By Hafiz Asadullah Khan One day, a very wea [...]

The Journey of Forgiveness

I feel as if I came here with an empty spiritual wallet and returning with an unbelievable amount of spiritual richness By Rabail Altaf and Fahad Al [...]

Spiritual Light of Ramadan

Prophet Muhammad's (Pbuh) Sermon About Ramadan "During Ramadan, the doors of heaven are open, therefore ask Allah not to close them for you; The door [...]

Rewards of Fasting

Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: "He who fasts solely for the sake of Allah, has all his previous sins forgiven. The odour of the mouth of a fasting [...]

Itikaf-A Voluntary Type of Worship

Allah's Messenger Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) used to spend 10 nights during the month of Ramadan in the mosque, devoting all his time to worship. Normall [...]

Non-Payment of Zakat

Q: People everywhere try to reduce their tax payments. Whenever they have a chance to make some tax-free earnings, they would not hesitate to take it. [...]

Spending Zakat

Q. Can a Muslim spend from Zakat for paying the school fees and for books for those who cannot afford to pay, medical treatment of the poor, maintenan [...]

Rate of Zakah during Ramadan

Q. How was the rate of 2.5 per cent fixed as the rate of zakah? I feel that it is too small. Moreover, a millionaire who pays 2. 5 per cent will remai [...]

IMRC’s Online Donation Drive to Feed the Poor during Ramadan

IMRC has started online crowd funding, for this purpose. A donation of $1 will get a person one-time meal and a donation of $25 will assist a family o [...]

Ramadan: An Annual Training Programme

Fasting helps to restrain the desires of the lower self and submit ourselves to be the slaves of Allah (Abdullah). It is a great opportunity to purif [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40 / 70 POSTS