Category: Health

1 3 4 547 / 47 POSTS


Indulgence of homosexuals in a number of unnatural and risky sexual practices makes them susceptible for a variety of bacterial and viral infections, [...]

Seeking Professional Help for Mental illness

It is so common that whenever we have conversation with family or friends, sometimes one person in the group may be quiet, while another, talks non-st [...]


Standing becomes easier than Sitting Back problems account for more than 12 million visits to doctors each year. Besides the common cold, back pain [...]
Prevent Tooth Decay and Smile Away

Prevent Tooth Decay and Smile Away

For better oral hygiene, habit of frequent and proper tooth-brushing and flossing, at least twice a day, should be adopted. When efficiently used, Mis [...]


Tail bone pain can be defined as, in a very simple way: When standing becomes easier than sitting and walking becomes easier than sitting in a luxury [...]

Good to have a Beautiful Mind

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail," said poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Dr Safiya has just done tha [...]

Cupping, A traditional remedy

It is said to have been endorsed by the Holy Prophet too as a remedy. Dr. Yasir Arafath Cupping is an ancient method of treatment whereby a glass or [...]
1 3 4 547 / 47 POSTS