Category: Islam and The West
French Magazine Sued over Cartoons
Paris: Two Muslim organizations have launched legal proceedings against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, accusing it of inciting racial hatred [...]
United Kingdom – Muslim Population is now 2.7 Million
London: The population of Muslims in the United Kingdom has shot up to 2.7 million in the 2011 Census from 1.5 million in 2001. Since the data of the [...]

McDonald’s Pays Out $700,000 for False Halal Food
Michigan: McDonald's has paid $700,000 to members of a U.S. Muslim community in Michigan after one of its franchise restaurants falsely advertised it [...]
Muslims ask for Exclusion from Gay Laws
London: Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), umbrella organization of British Muslims that represents 500 mosques across the UK, has strongly criticized t [...]
German Parliament approves Ritual Circumcision
Berlin: After controversial debates about religious motivated circumcision, the German Federal Parliament approved circumcision in the second week of [...]
Halal Homes in Netherlands
Amsterdam: Dutch news-paper Parool last month, covered designs for Amsterdam apartments by the Eigen Hard housing corporation which accommodate the ne [...]
Hamburg Recognises Three Muslim Holidays
Hamburg: The State of Hamburg, Muslim associations and the Alawite community have signed a treaty. They agree to implement and recognize religious-rel [...]

Centre for Religious Dialogue Opened in Vienna
Austria, Spain and Saudis come together to Fund the Centre
Vienna: United Nations chief, Ban Ki-Moon opened the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Internati [...]
Brunei, Malaysia Launch Islamic tour package
London: Malaysia and Brunei have jointly launched Brunei-Malaysia Islamic Tour Packages here in November 2012. Director of Islamic Tourism Centre, Mal [...]
Symposium on History of East Africa
Istanbul: The OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) will organize an international symposium on the 'History of the Islam [...]