HomeIslam and The West

Symposium on History of East Africa

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Istanbul: The OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) will organize an international symposium on the ‘History of the Islamic Civilisation in Eastern Africa’ in Zanzibar, Tanzania on September 3 to 6, 2013. It will be held in collaboration with the National Records and Archives Authority of the Sultanate of Oman and the Zanzibar University.
The conference is aimed at highlighting various aspects of Islamic civilization in Eastern Africa and promoting the exchange of views and findings of research on the impact of Islamic civilization in the region. The symposium will explore themes in historical, geographical, and social spheres and will also look at records concerning the aspect in archives, media and architecture and arts and crafts.
Those desirous of participation in the symposium can submit their abstract to [email protected] or [email protected] by March 15, 2013. Last date of submission of full papers is June 26, 2013. Ph: 90-259-1742, at Oman: 968-246-16071, or 968-246-16086