Category: Readers Space

1 24 25 26254 / 254 POSTS

Need to Alter Priorities

There is a general clamour among Indian Muslims that they are lagging behind on the development front. But few people can analyse the reasons properly [...]

Natural Born Futurist

Dear Sir, The article titled "Natural Born Futurist" by Ziauddin Sardar (May 2012 issue) was highly insightful. I am sure that after reading such art [...]

Enough of “Fair and Lovely” Ads

Muslim families have become very demanding about the looks of a girl or bride that they are looking for their sons. It is quite disheartening that eve [...]

Natural Born Futurist

In the future, we are not going to get any new ideas from the west "“ all really new ideas are going to come from the non-western cultures. By Ziaudd [...]
1 24 25 26254 / 254 POSTS