Category: Reflections

1 10 11 12117 / 117 POSTS
Healers with Hearts of Gold

Healers with Hearts of Gold

In today's materialistic world, where gentleness and positivity are as scarce as fresh water, when I see patients in HBS Hospital being greeted with a [...]
Do First Thing First

Do First Thing First

Consider this scenario: In a remote forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth to a baby. It finds a remote grass field near by a river and slowly [...]

Connected to the World – But Disconnected Within!

Allow your heart to connect to people. Give technology some much-needed rest at times. Your heart will not let you down, technology will! By Nigar At [...]

The Best of 2012

Time for Tributes I believe that kindness, honesty, courage, hard work and humility comprise spirituality. With the good fortune of having met peo [...]

Learning to Surrender from a Stray Cat

People talk much about surrender to God. Lectures and books are there in plenty on this theme, but I was fortunate to learn about 100 per cent surrend [...]

Learning Austerity in an Ashram

As I bade good-bye to Father Korko and the other guests, one of them told me that he had gone to many ashrams set up by Hindus, Jains, and Christians. [...]
A Positive Crusader

A Positive Crusader

Meeting Sajeeda uplifted my spirits. She was working towards giving Muslim women their right to a dignified life, and there could be nothing more posi [...]
1 10 11 12117 / 117 POSTS