Category: Youth

1 8 9 10 11 100 / 103 POSTS
Secular Social Arrangement: Society and Political Economy

Secular Social Arrangement: Society and Political Economy

The evidence of history suggests that political economies compete for hegemony seeking dominance of leadership by one nation over others. By Aqeel An [...]

Secular Mindset and Lifestyle

The society confers status to owners of wealth because wealth defines success. Accordingly, the object of pursuit of the secular mindset is wealth. B [...]
Perception of Life and the Worldview

Perception of Life and the Worldview

Human action is the cause of change and you are the agent of change. You are not in charge of what happens to your life, if lifestyle and mindset rema [...]

Strive with Own Worldview

Remember we only have a short span of life to live. The deceptive worldview prevails to depress you and manipulate your capacity to think and feel. By [...]
The Prevailing Worldview Corrupts Humanity

The Prevailing Worldview Corrupts Humanity

Living in comfort zones stagnates one's capacity. One should think and continually expand his or her capacity. Aqeel Ansari We pursue the discussio [...]
Guard Against the Prevailing Worldview

Guard Against the Prevailing Worldview

Making a mistake is not a crime, but making the same mistake over and over again certainly is. Relate this to the response of Muslims who generally re [...]
Do Not Stagnate in a Comfort Zone

Do Not Stagnate in a Comfort Zone

Reasons to justify your fears or excuses are not hard to come by. You may hide in your comfort zone because your family does not support what you want [...]

Disturbing Pointers from Dhule

The partisan behavior of cops in communal disturbances in Dhule in Maharasthra in January has raised disturbing questions about the role of the State [...]
Grow Good Thoughts

Grow Good Thoughts

In order to grow beneficial thoughts, cultivate the fertile mind, weed out prejudice and hate, uproot wild plants of self-importance. By Aqeel A. Ans [...]
Beware of Your Attitude

Beware of Your Attitude

A beneficial attitude is inclusive as it seeks to benefit you and others. An injurious attitude, on the other hand, intends to cause injury to you and [...]
1 8 9 10 11 100 / 103 POSTS