
Govt. Muslim Residential School Admission

Mewat Engineering College
Pre-Matric Scholarship Cheques: Bounced or Invalid
Uttarakhand Madrassas to Teach Sanskrit

Srirangapatna: The Government Muslim Residential School at Srirangapatna in Mandya District has invited applications for admission in sixth standard in Urdu and Kannada medium sections for the year 2015-16. The school is run by the Directorate of Minority Welfare of the Government of Karnataka and provides food, stay and education. Uniforms, textbooks, notebooks, soap, oil, tooth paste, shoes etc are also supplied to the inmates free of cost. Girls and boys both can seek admission. The school also imparts moral instructions and arrangements for namaz, recitation and other ritual obligations. Applicants would have to undergo an entrance test. Parents who desire to admit their wards into the school can contact Backward Classes and Minority Office, Mandya, on Phone: 06232-220835, or Principal, Govt Muslim Residential School, Srirangapatna at 08232-220835.