
Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi – Several New Courses to be Introduced

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New Delhi: The Jamia Millia Islamia University here will be introducing several new courses from the new academic years. These will be M. A. (Politics) International and Area Studies (20 seats); M. A. (Arab and Islamic culture), 20 seats; M. Tech in Computer Engg. (18 seats); M. Tech (Electronics and Communication Engg. (18 seats); M.A. (Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies) (30 seats); Certificate in Chinese Language (18 seats); Diploma in Chinese Language (25 seats); Intensive Diploma in Chinese Language (25 seats); BA,LLB (Hons) (60 seats). There shall be a Common Entrance Test for admission to Diploma Courses (Regular and Self -Financed) of University Polytechnic, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JMI.
Apart from the above, B.A with Computer Application (BACA) course has been merged with B.A. Programme and its total intake has been increased to 65.
Online applications are invited for admission to various Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Diploma/Certificate programmes (except B.Tech. and B.Arch. programmes) offered by Jamia Millia Islamia for the academic session 2016-17. The e-Prospectus may be downloaded from the University website http://jmi.ac.in/admissions.
Candidates desirous of admission are required to register themselves at http://jmi.ac.in/onlineadmissionform and fill up the Online Application Form as per procedure provided on the portal. For further details, visit the university website (www.jmi.ac.in).
Jamia Millia Islamia also introduces an admission helpline No. +91-9836319994 that will offer quick solutions to problems faced by the applicants.