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Glossary of Terms Related with Natural Disasters (قدرتی آفات سے متعلق اصطلاحات)

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Avalanche: An avalanche is when a lot of snow falls down the side of a mountain. (برفشار)
Blizzard: A blizzard is a very strong snowstorm. (برفانی طوفان)
Bushfire: A fire burning in the bush ( a wild area of land) that is difficult to control and sometimes spreads quickly.
(جنگل میں لگی ہوئی آگ)
Drought: A drought is when there is not enough water because it hasn’t rained for a long time.
(خشک سالی)
Duststorm: Dust (sand) energetically lifted to great heights by strong and turbulent winds.
(طوفان گرد و باد)
Earthquake: A sudden break within the upper layers of the earth, sometimes breaking the surface, resulting in the vibration of the ground. (زلزلہ)
Epidemic: An unusual increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease which already exists in the region or population concerned. (وبا)
Hailstorm: A storm in which a lot of small balls of ice fall like rain. (ژالہ باری)
Heat wave: A heat wave is a period of unusually and excessively hot weather. The worst heat wave in recent history was the European Heat Wave of 2003. (گرمی کی لہر)
Hurricane: A storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.
(سمندری طوفان)
Landslide: A landslide (or mudslide) is when soil, rocks, and/or mud falls down the side of a hill or mountain. ارض ہُبُوطِ
Lightning: When the lightning touches a building, tree, car, or person, we say they have been “struck” by lightning.
(برق ریزی ،بجلی کا گرنا)
Whirlwind: A column of air moving rapidly round and round in a cylindrical or funnel shape.
(بگولہ، چکر کھاتی ہوئی تیز ہوا)
Permafrost: Layer of soil or rock in which the temperature has been continuously below zero degree celsius for at least some years.
(زیر سطحی زمین جو مستقلاً منجمد ہوتی ہے )
Sea Erosion: Loosing or dissolving and removal of rock or soil as a result of water, ice or wind action.
(ساحلِ سمندر کا کٹاؤ)
Sinkhole: When natural erosion or human mining makes the ground too weak to support the structures built on it, the ground can collapse and produce a sinkhole.
(پانی کے عمل سے زمین میں پیدا ہو جانے والا سُوراخ )
Typhoon: A violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean.
(آندھی ،وہ سمندری طوفان جوخصوصاًمغربی بحرالکاہل میں اٹھتے ہیں)
Volcanic eruption: When the volcano explodes and sends out lava, the event is called a “volcanic eruption”.
(آتش فشاں کا پھوٹ پڑنا)
Tornado: A violently rotating storm of small diameter; the most violent weather phenomenon.
(جھکّڑ،شدت سے گھومنے والا سمندری طوفان)
Tsunami : In a tsunami, the water from the ocean comes in and covers the land. Tsunamis are caused by an earthquake in the middle of the ocean.
(زیر سمندر زلزلے سے پیدا شدہ سیلاب)