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School Equipment and Educational Material for Tiny Tots Nursery Available for Half Cost in Bangalore

Clio and Tracy, Super Mother Cats
What are Resources?
Animals as Teachers

Working with children is a splendid learning experience through which we can learn to love, to respect, to laugh, to cry to grow”¦Children bring out the best in us””it is indeed true that the ‘child is the father of the man’.
I have spent much of my life working with children in my nursery school in Bangalore and I enjoyed every moment of it. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. So also, I have had to close my nursery school on account of health reasons. I have decided to give away all school equipment and educational material at half the cost to anyone who would like to live out my experience by starting their own playgroup for tiny tots. In order that the educational materials can be used constructively I am only too willing to offer them all guidance and help they may need to start a nursery. It will give me great pleasure to see my work continue on to the next generation.
I can be contacted on [email protected]