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Terms Related with Forests (جنگلات سے متعلق الفاظ و اصطلاحات)

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Agroforestry: Farming activities are undertaken between widely spaced trees usually cultivated for timber, firewood and/or fodder.
(تجارتی مقاصد کے لئے اُگائے جانے والے درخت)

Biodiversity: The variety of life forms in a given area; can be categorized in terms of number of species, variety of plant and animal communities, genetic variability or some combination of these categories. (حیاتاتی تنوع)

Canopy: The “roof” of the forest formed by the crowns of the tallest trees. (پیڑوں سے بنا چھتّر)

Cellulose: The scientific name for wood fiber.
(لکڑی سے حاصل شدہ ریشے)
Conifer: A class of trees that are evergreen, have needle or scalelike foliage and conelike fruit; often called softwood. Examples include pine, hemlock, cedar and cypress. (صنوبر کی قسم کا درخت جس کے پتّے نوکدار اور پھل مخروطی ہوتے ہیں)
Deciduous: A group of trees that lose all of their leaves every year. (برگ ریز جنگل جس کے پتّے ہر سال جھڑ جاتے ہیں)

Evergreen: A group of trees that do not lose all of their leaves every year but go through a gradual replacement by dropping only their oldest leaves each year. Instead of being bare in winter, these trees have leaves all year. (سدابہار)

Forestry: The art and science of managing forests to produce various products and benefits including timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation. (جنگل بانی کا علم)

Pulpwood: Wood used in the manufacture of paper, fiberboard or other wood fiber products. Pulpwood-sized trees are usually a minimum of 4 inches in diameter. (کاغذ بنانے کی لکڑی)

Sawtimber: Wood of large enough size to be used to produce lumber for construction and furniture.
(فرنیچر کے لئے استعمال ہونے والی لکڑی)

Habitat: An area in which a specific plant or animal naturally lives, grows and reproduces; the area that provides a plant or animal with adequate food, water, shelter and living space.
(قدرتی ٹھکانے)

Hectare: Unit of land area equal to 10,000 square metres. There are 100 hectares in a square kilometre. (دس ہزار مربع میٹر زمین)

Hardwood: Descriptive term used for the wood of broad-leaved trees. Also old-fashioned term for the broad-leaved trees.
(چوڑے پتوں والےدرختوں سے نکلنے والی لکڑی)

Lumber: Timber cut into planks, pieces.
(تختوں کی شکل میں تراشیدہ لکڑی)

Turpentine: A distilled chemical produced from tapping into a living pine and harvesting the sap.
(ٹرپین کا تیل جو صنوبر کے پیڑ سےرِستا ہے)

Wood or woodland: A smaller area of trees than a forest, usually applies to broad-leaved trees. The distinction between a “forest” and a “wood” or “woodland” is simply one of scale, and to some extent the words are interchangeable. (چھوٹے جنگلات)

Sustainable development: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (تحظّ پسندانہ ترقی)

Sapwood: Living wood making up the outer annual rings of tree trunk through which water from soil is conducted up the tree.
(پیڑ کے تنے کے مرکز اور چھال کے درمیان کی لکڑی)

Scrub: Area of poorly formed trees or bushes unsuitable for conversion to timber.
(جھاڑیوں پر مشتمل جنگل)

Windthrow: Trees uprooted by excessive wind.
(ہواؤں کے جھکّڑ سے اُکھڑ جانے والے پیڑ)