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Buddhists Help Syrian Refugees

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Buddhist Global Relief, spearheaded by the monk/scholar Bhikkhu Bodhi, addresses global crises, and as such made a $12,000 donation part of their efforts to help Syrian refugees. A statement issued at the 40th Annual General Meeting of the European Buddhist Union offers inspirational language and a clear statement of concern and responsibility for refugees, ending with an evocation of metta, or loving-kindness. It reads: “Those of us present at the 40th Annual General Meeting of the European Buddhist Union in Berlin call upon the governments and peoples of all European countries to show compassion and generosity to those displaced through war and seeking refuge in Europe, safe from violence. As Buddhists of many traditions and countries in Europe, we hold loving kindness, compassion, generosity and fearlessness to be among the highest values in life; values we share with those of other religions and none”. (www.lionsroar.com)