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Half of Internet Hate Crimes Target Muslims

By Atila Altuntas
Stockholm: Half of the hate crimes on the internet were committed against Muslims in Sweden in 2017-2018, according to the head of online hate speech monitoring group.Manager at Online Hate Speech Monitor Tomas Aberg said police reports showed rates of hate crimes committed over the internet doubling during this period, and tripling in northern cities.”50 percent of these crimes are committed against Muslims, 22% against asylum seekers and 21% against African descents,” he said on Swedish state TV channel SVT .
The number of such crimes has increased in recent years amid greater use of social media, Aberg said, adding that these crimes posed a threat to democracy.
He noted that hate crimes were generally committed by people over the age of 50, saying that 83% of the perpetrators were men, while 17% were women.
He said 459 people received various sentences for hate crimes last year.
[Sweden map by P.S.Burton/Creative Commons]