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New Centre to take Academic Approach against Terrorist Ideology

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Kuala Lumpur: A Saudi-backed anti-terrorism centre to be set up in Malaysia will conduct research into, and counter the ideology spread by extremist groups, including the self-styled ‘Islamic State’, Malaysian officials have said. At the end of a visit to Malaysia by Saudi Arabia’s king recently, the two predominantly Muslim countries announced a joint agreement to set up the King Salman Center for International Peace. The centre is being set up through a partnership involving the Intellectual Warfare Center, the Ministry of Defense in Saudi Arabia, the Security and Defense Center at Malaysia’s Ministry of Defense, the Muslim World League and the Islamic Science University of Malaysia, officials from both countries said in a statement. “The establishment of this center involves many things especially involving academics voicing their views on how we can stem the ideology of militants”, Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department who serves as the chairman of the centre’s committee, said.
The future centre’s mission will be to curb terrorism globally, Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said. “Fighting terrorism should not be limited to law enforcement and military operations, and governments should use extensive academic research as a tool in the war on terror”, he added.