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US ‘War on Terror’ Study Report

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At least half a million people have been killed due to the “war on terror” launched by the United States in the wake of September 11, 2001 attack, according to aandnbsp;studyandnbsp;published recently. The report by theandnbsp;Brown University’sandnbsp;Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs put the death toll between 480,000 and 507,000. But the paper acknowledged that the number of people killed is an “undercount” due to limitations in reporting and “great uncertainty in any count of killing in war”. “We may never know the total direct death toll in these wars,” wrote Nera Crawford, the author of the paperandnbsp;titled “Human Cost of the Post-9/11 Wars: Lethality and the Need for Transparency.”
The report states that between 182,272 and 204,575 civilians have been killed in Iraq, 38,480 in Afghanistan, and 23,372 in Pakistan. Nearly 7,000 US troops were killed inandnbsp;Iraqandnbsp;and Afghanistan in the same time period.
In a statement, Brown University said the new toll “is a more than 110,000 increase over the last count, issued just two years ago in August 2016.”andnbsp;
(Extracted fromandnbsp;aljazeera.com)