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WAMY Organizes Volunteer Program in London

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Jeddah: The London branch of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) organised a volunteer program in central London, during which, leaflets highlighting Islam’s compassion and moderation, together with roses, were distributed among the passers-by. The leaflets contained a wide selection of verses from the Qur’an as well as from Hadith (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad). WAMY said in a statement that this initiative comes in response to calls of hatred and intimidation from the growth of Islam in Europe, and to encourage people to read more about Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet. The WAMY pointed out that this initiation also comes after the attack on the Prophet of Islam and the re-publication of the cartoons by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. The director of London office Belkacem Ekhalch said, the response to this initiative was good, positive, and encouraging from the public, as we explained to them some of the features and attributes of the Prophet, and gave them some roses as well desserts.