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World’s Most Active and Laziest Nations

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Uganda tops the nations with most active people, Kuwait has the laziest people.

Kuwait has been named as the laziest nation on the earth with 67% of its people failing to hit recommended exercise target.
A survey of the lazy vs. active people across the globe finds that Ugandans are the most active, with only 5.5% not doing enough exercise to keep themselves healthy. The findings are based on a survey carried out by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which collected data from around two million people from 168 countries. The WHO urges people to do a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise a week, such as cycling, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise.
Here are highlights of the findings:
Globally, 32% of women and 23% of men fail to hit the activity target.
The finding ranks Britain as 46th out of 168 countries in its league table. The US was even higher, with 40% of adults not doing enough exercise, while the figure for Italy is 41%.
Among Muslim-majority nations, while Kuwait topped among the laziest, Saudi Arabia followed with 53%, Iraq 52%, and UAE accounting for 41.4% inactive people.
Experts believe women around the world tend to be more inactive than men because they participate in fewer sports and leisure activities ““ and when they do exercise, they do it at a lower intensity.
Experts are worried that a growing crisis in inactive lifestyles is putting millions at risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Experts are particularly worried about inactive middle-aged people, in their 40s, 50s and 60s, who continuously put their busy lives ahead of the needs of their health.
Scientists wrote in the WHO report that their analysis, including data from nearly 2 million participants, shows that globally in 2016 more than a quarter of all adults were not getting enough physical activity.
This puts more than 1.4 billion adults at risk of developing or exacerbating diseases linked to inactivity, and needs to be urgently addressed.
The report, published in the Lancet medical journal, called for ‘more opportunities for safe and accessible leisure-time activity to women in order to increase their overall levels of activity’. 

Kuwait 67%
American Samoa 53.4%
Saudi Arabia 53%
Iraq 52%
Brazil 47%
Costa Rica 46.1%
Cyprus 44.4%
Suriname 44.4%
Colombia 44%
Marshall Islands 43.5%
Portugal 43.4% 
Bahamas 43.3%
Barbados 42.9% 
New Zealand 42.4%
Germany 42.2%
Nauru 42.1%
Malta 41.7%
Argentina 41.6%
Italy 41.4%
UAE 41.4%