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2018 HWPL World Peace Summit – 4th Anniversary of the WARP

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By Finn Shim

On September 17th, HWPL, an international peace NGO registered in UN ECOSOC and UN DPI, opened the first day of “2018 HWPL Peace Summit” in Incheon, South Korea, with about 600 social representatives from across the world. At the plenary session for the 3-days peace summit, “2018 Conference for the Implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)”, HWPL presented the yearly report of its peace initiatives including the enactment of the international law for peace, peaceful approach to unification of the two Koreas, and development of peace culture through peace education. In the closing address, Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL said “I think that all we plan for achieving peace will be completed in collaboration with you having all the knowledge, wisdom, and ability. Everyone wants the end of war and call for the DPCW. Now it seems that the world is welcoming the era of peace.” The session concluded with the announcement of the “Resolution in Support of the 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit” that addresses the cooperation for building a peaceful world transcending the barriers of nation, ethnic, religion, and culture. The peace festival with the theme of “Heavenly Culture on Earth, Onward to a World of Lasting Peace” was held at Incheon Asiad Main Stadium in South Korea, a spot of 2014 Asian Games.
(Website. www.ipyg.org , www.hwpl.kr , www.warpsummit.org)