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Dallas-Area Muslims Donate Survival Kits for Homeless

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Muslim volunteers earned a round of applause and even a few “amens” from the homeless huddled inside a shelter in Dallas, USA, recently. “We’re Muslim, but we care about everyone,” Urooj Waheed said at the Austin Street Shelter. Waheed and his wife, Sobia Waheed, were among about 125 volunteers””children, parents and grandparents””who packed survival kits that contained bottled water, socks, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a washcloth and a blanket. Ma’ruf, a nonprofit designed to help local refugees, organized the donation drive at four sites. About 200 volunteers in all assembled the donations, which amounted to about $10,000. Sobia Ali, the main coordinator for the event, first started outreach to the homeless out of her home about nine years ago.  “As a Muslim it’s my responsibility,” Ali said. “We’re taught to help anyone in need, Muslim or not.”