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Reaching Out With Children’s Books

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Hena Khan, 42, an American Muslim author, thinks children’s books and increased religious literacy might be a partial solution to anti-Muslim sentiment among a substantial number of Americans.
Khan, who holds a graduate degree in International Affairs from George Washington University, has published 13 kids books including Night of the Moon: A Muslim Holiday Story, Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns: A Muslim Book of Colors, and most recently, It’s Ramadan, Curious George. In It’s Ramadan, Curious George, George teaches readers about Ramadan and Eid in an age-appropriate manner. George helps his friend Kareem keep his first fast, partakes in the feasting at sundown and even makes his first visit to a mosque.
“The reaction has exceeded our expectations in a wonderful way,” states Khan. “Sales have been fantastic and reviews have been heartwarming.”