
Belief in Allah Reduces Stress

Food for Thought

A new study confirms that having faith in God can help stave off anxiety and reduce stress.

The present age is the modern age. The era of daily busyness. In this age of globalization, it is difficult to find people who are not under stress. It is undeniable that stress, anxiety, and harassment

have become an integral part of our lives. People suffer from stress for various reasons. A person who has lost everything and is destitute feels very happy when he finds a place to rest his head under the tree. Growing up in abundance and luxury, no one is looking for happiness even if they live in expensive flat worth crores of rupees in an elite area of ​​the city. Ever since people started to feel unhappy, all the unrest began. This anxiety at one time took the form of mental stress. And people get infected with various diseases due to mental stress. Some people may have personal, family, social, political, and workplace complications. Stress can also be caused by deteriorating relationships with friends, neighbours, office bosses, or relatives. Many times, stress is also caused by poor health, financial crisis, or the death of a loved one. All these create frustration. But do not be discouraged. Because depression is the main cause of stress. Danger will come in the life of this world. Dangers can come from different directions at different times. Allah Almighty has clearly informed us that there is danger in this worldly life. He said We shall certainly test you by afflicting you with fear, hunger, loss of properties and lives and fruits. Give glad tidings, then, to those who remain patient; those who when any affliction smites them, they say: “Verily, we belong to Allah, and it is to Him that we are destined to return.” [Surah al-Baqara: 155-156]

Everyone is afraid of death. Realizing this, life is gone! At that very moment, if there is any hope of survival in one’s mind, one can save everyone if one wants, one can rescue the ship from the clutches of the storm.

Imagine that one day you are going to ship by sea for business or any other purpose. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, in the deep sea, you and your crew are caught in a storm. Silent environment all around. There is no full moon in the sky. The black darkness spreads everywhere. As far as the eye can see, only the vast expanse of the ocean wave. Everyone is scared, terrified by the huge waves. Realizing this, the ship is sinking. East-west, north-south nothing can be seen. No one in the locality can hear the screams as the ship is in the deep sea. Again, in the middle of the night when everyone in the locality is fast asleep. From the captain of the ship to the sailors, all the workers are trying hard to save the ship from the grip of the storm. Scientific instruments, compasses, and scientific formulas have all been applied but nothing is being done. Everyone is afraid of death. Realizing this, life is gone! At that very moment, if there is any hope of survival in one’s mind, one can save everyone if one wants, and one can rescue the ship from the clutches of the storm. He is no longer visible. Miraculous, supernatural, invisible power. Yes, He is your Lord. Great lord. Great Creator. God is great. This conviction can reduce all your worries. So put your trust in Allah. Allah says that “And to Him belong the ships raised aloft in the sea like mountain peaks.

Then, (O humankind and jinn) which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?” [Surah Ar-Rahman, verses 24-25]

A new study confirms that having faith in God can help stave off anxiety and reduce stress.

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    Online Quran classes UK 3 years ago

    JazakAllah for educating us about Islam and basic fundamentals which is really important to learn as a Muslim.