Overcoming Allergies


Overcoming Allergies

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What is an allergy? An allergy can be described as the sensitiveness of a body to ALLERGENS or certain substances in the environment. An allergic reaction generally occurs within a few minutes after coming in contact with the allergen, or it may be delayed for several hours or several days.
Homeopathically, an invaluable remedy in maladies that begin suddenly is ACONITE NAPELLUS (Monkshood). If used at once as soon as the symptoms occur-it takes care of them all. Used immediately, it works like a charm!
Almost any part of the body can be affected by allergies, mainly the nose, eyes, skin, chest, intestines, or ears. Pollen, dust, cosmetics, poisonous plants, serums, vaccines, etc. are commonly known to cause allergies as also oranges, milk, eggs, wheat, fish, chocolates, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, and strawberries.
An allergy that affects the nose and eyes is commonly known as Hay fever or Allergic rhinitis-a chronic state where day after day you sneeze 20 or 30 times. It is not an acute cold although the symptoms are similar. The best way to deal with Hay fever is to fast on fruit and fruit juices for a few days and to get into the habit of regular exercise. You will build your physical resistance and not fall prey to every allergen that comes your way.
A simple, ancient technique from Ayurveda is JAL NETI, or nasal douche (Nose Wash). Jal Neti helps flush out dirt and bacteria from the nasal passages. Clear nasal passages prevent infections and improve breathing and hence blood circulation. Your breath remains fresh, your eyesight improves, and you sleep even better. Take ten minutes out of your day to do JAL NETI and you can be free of sinusitis and hay fever for life. Migraine and asthma symptoms also get reduced immensely by this practice.
Food allergies occur when the system is overloaded – wrong foods such as alcohol, sugar, refined cereals, tobacco, and foods that contain preservatives, flavoring, and chemical additives put a lot of stress on the digestive system. For preventive purposes all Vitamin C complex foods, which are known as BIO-FLAVONOIDS are recommended. Vitamin E also possesses effective anti-allergic properties. Research by an Indian physician, Dr.Hemant Pathak has shown that the use of five drops of castor oil in a little juice or water taken on an empty stomach in the morning prevents allergies of the intestinal tract, skin, and nasal passages.
Stress is also a great contributor to allergic reactions in the body. When the mind is not at ease- you are tense and worried- you become an easy target for allergies. It is best to learn to relax, to unwind, to let go-for accumulating stress will only decrease your quality of life- remember ‘ Que Sera Sera ‘ – whatever will be, will be…
(The writer is a Consultant & Teacher of Homeopathy)