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Africa’s First Mosque Renovated

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Believed to be the first mosque in Africa, Al-Najashi mosque in Ethiopia has been drawing more visitors after been renovated recently by a Turkish aid agency. The mosque is located in the town of Wuqro, 790 kilometers north of Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, Al-Nejashi mosque is said to be the first mosque in Africa. The mosque stands majestically on a spacious location, which also is said to be the site of 15 tombs of the Prophet’s companions. It is named after Nejashi, the then Ethiopian king who hosted companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who escaped persecution in Makkah.
The mosque has been renovated by the Turkish Coordination and Cooperation Agency (TÄ°KA). Ali Mohammed Ibrahim, the imam of the mosque, said he is grateful to TÄ°KA for having renovated the mosque. “After the renovation, the number of visitors greatly increased,” Ibrahim said. “Not only Muslims, but Christians are also coming here to visit the mosque and its proud history, which the heritage site is full of.”