
Burooj Realization

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Dear Schools and Kids,
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
It’s not a bomb, it’s a clock!
Do you know that the oldest clock in the world is located in Salisbury, England?
Ahmed would have tried hard to convince his teacher about his clock, but it fell on deaf ears. It led to his arrest and detention.
But, Allah’s promise came true:
“There is ease with every hardship!” Ahmed became a wonder-kid overnight. He has enjoyed a wealth of support from MIT, Mark Zuckerberg, NASA and even President Barack Obama!
What made Ahmed the wonder-kid? Undoubtedly, the help of Allah and his self-confidence. Every child out there has an ‘inventor’ in him/her. It is up to us to motivate our children and bring out the best in them.
Burooj Realization is announcing a working model clock-making competition for the students.
There are festive holidays around and how exciting it would be to make a working-model of a clock? Let the children explore with colours and patterns, with cardboard and fiberboard.
ACTION :- So send in your best entries via https://goo.gl/i5JZWO.
Each child should make a clock and send in the pictures by 10th October, 2015. Exciting Prizes for the winners and a lot more along with certificates for all the participants and a trophy for the best school inputs. Your time starts now!!! Let OUR clocks begin to tick!!!
Panel of Judges
1. Danish Aga (COO Red Camel International School)(Ex-JP Morgan VP-IT)
2. Nikhat Suhail, Chennai (Member – Muslim Women Association
3. Iqra Qureshi, Delhi
4. Sobia Lule, Pune (Principal Red Camel International School, Pune)
5. Ayaz Shafi, Kolkata (Unitedworld School of Business)